Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Some final memories from CAOCC 2008

When disaster hit, the Japan team were first to offer their help.
Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Some very friendly locals..

Where else do you go for a leak when there's no trees????
Not sure why Steve took the camera though...

The Aus team waiting for their turn.

That Taiwan beer sure tasted good after a long day of flying.

A very happy Australian team after receiving their second place medals.

More friendly locals..

I couldn't resist asking mum for a cute!

The Aussie judge enjoying himself as usual.

Bill and Steve in the ready box.

The designer of Glenn and Bill's Aries, former world champion and current Japan coach Mr Naruke..

It was a pleasure to meet Dragon Lee, he's a Television star in Hong Kong - I'm not kidding!!

Steve's not a television star, but certainly a F3A star!!!

Food, food and more food.

I'll never forget practicing at the local club, right on the edge of the city.

1 comment:

James Nugent said...

Well done glenno, fantastic flying to!!!!!!!